What is cognitive behavioral therapy?
Cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT, can briefly be described as a psychological treatment method based on learning theories, emotion theories and cognitive psychology. The work with CBT is characterized by an active collaboration between patient and psychologist, where they in a structured way identify and explore thoughts, feelings and behaviors that contribute to maintaining problems in everyday life. Behavioral patterns are analyzed in terms of what function they serve and what consequences they have in the patient’s everyday life. Therefter a treatment plan for change is formulated, which is always based on the patient’s goals and life values.
At Dr. Klara Edlund you can get help with:
• Eating disorders and problems related to food, weight, exercise, body shape and compulsive training
• Sport- and performance-related problems (performing under pressure)
• Performance blocks
• Overtraining / fatigue linked to performance environment
• Trauma-related disorders related to performance environment (emotional, physical, and sexual abuse)
• Performance anxiety
• Sleeping problems
CBT can be a favorable and appealing approach to address difficulties linked to performance such as sport achievements or achievements in the performing arts (e.g., dance and acting, music, precision-demanding achievements (e.g., surgeries and other medical procedures)) and various forms of public speaking, lectures, or other public assignments. The focus lies on identifying thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are not helpful in executing the task or achieving a goal. Using an individualized behavioral analysis, taking the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and goals into account, goal-oriented and personalized strategies can be developed to help the individual enhance the performance in a sustainable and effective way.
Dr Klara Edlund’s areas of specialty regarding performance enhancement:
• Performance enhancement in sports.
• Performance enhancement in highly specialized areas such as medical procedures, musical performances, public speaking, or presentations.
• Performance enhancement in performing art such as acting, dancing, singing and play music.