Worried about gaining weight? Do you feel fat and unhappy with your body? Do you try to control your weight by being very careful about what you eat? Do you exercise too much? Are there days when you don’t think about anything but food? If you recognise yourself, you may be suffering from an eating disorder. Eating disorders involve excessive control over what you eat and how you look. This can lead to almost your whole life ending up being about planning and thinking about what to eat, evaluating what you have already eaten and how to lose weight. Food, eating and body dissatisfaction lead to anxiety and often also to depression, gastrointestinal problems, recurrent infections, irregular or missed periods and disturbed sleep. Eating disorders are associated with great suffering and many limitations in daily life. We have over 20 years’ experience of working with different types of eating disorders. You can get help with assessment of your problems and difficulties and tailored treatment with CBT according to current evidence. There is a particular focus on elite sport, so if you are a high-level athlete you can receive treatment for problems related to food, eating, exercise and weight. Training is taken into account when designing treatment (see “Sport and health”)
There are different types of eating disorders::
Anorexia nervosa is characterized by underweight (85% of expected body weight in relation to height and age). Despite the low weight, there is an excessive fear of gaining weight along with the feeling of being “fat”. Self-esteem is excessively affected by body weight or shape. Menstrual dysfunction is common. Anorexia occurs in two types, one with restrictive eating and one with binge eating and self-cleansing (i.e., binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors such as vomiting or abuse of laxatives and / or diuretics).
Bulimia Nervosa is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating. Binge eating means that a person during a limited time (e.g., 2 hours) eats a significantly larger amount of food than most people would during the corresponding time and circumstance. The person also feels loss of control over their eating, meaning a feeling of not being able to stop eating or control what or how much you eat. Binge eating is followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors to regulate anxiety and prevent weight gain. Examples of compensatory behaviors may be self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives and / or diuretics, or excessive exercise. In people with bulimia, self-esteem is significantly affected by weight and shape.